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The Dilemma of Free Dental Care

No matter where your employees work, they’ll expect some kind of “insider” deal as part of employment. Even the bag boy at the grocery store gets a free donut every once in a while. A dental office is a little more complicated. You’re offering a very professional, time-consuming, expensive service. Some offices have no written […]

How Dentists Waste Their Educations

“If you’re not moving forward,” says the old adage, “you’re moving backward.” This is true in every industry and field, especially in dentistry. You have to constantly be learning if you want to stay competitive as a business owner and healthcare professional. Usually, this means taking courses to learn new technology, skills and procedures in […]

Befriend Your Patients and They’ll Never Leave You

Nothing is more important than giving your patient an exceptional experience every time he or she visits your dental office.  At each patient visit, you must confirm that you are the best dentist he or she has ever seen, and that selecting your office was a great decision.  In addition to providing comfortable, functional, and […]

How a Simple Phrase Can Turn Your Customer Service from Good to Ugly

The other day, I accompanied my parents to my mom’s medical appointment in Atlanta. She had a pressing issue that required her doctor’s attention and was thankfully able to schedule an appointment only two days out. Unfortunately, the less-than-stellar receptionist who scheduled the visit simply told my mother that her appointment was at 10:30 AM […]

What Keeps Patients Punctual: A Psychological Perspective

Wouldn’t you speed less often if the police pulled you over and handed you cash for going the speed limit every once in a while?? Psychological research shows that giving rewards for good behavior is a much stronger way to mold the way people act than just punishing wrongdoings… yet almost every aspect of society […]

How Receptive is Your Reception Area? 4 Fixes That Will Spruce Up the Place

  It’s fascinating how the human brain works. We tend to form opinions on new things, places and people in fractions of a second, relying on emotional, unconscious cues, and then backwards rationalize with facts. Yes, we like to say we look at the evidence first. Mull everything over. Then come to rational, even-handed conclusions. […]

Keep Your Back Door Closed

I began working with a young dentist several years ago who seemed to be doing very well. He had a busy Hygiene Department, with two dental hygienists working 32-hours per week each. They were very busy. During the previous 12-month period, his practice added 1,100 new patients. All of these patients had a Code 0150 […]

Measuring Performance Critical for Success

Most of us understand how important it is to set goals in every aspect of our life. I would like to get more specific about measuring performance on the way to reaching our goals. Let’s discuss the simple example of wanting to set a goal to be able to do a greater number of pushups. […]