Minimize Cancellations and No-Shows With This Form!

Every office should have an “Appointment Agreement” or “Appointment Policy” form as a part of their new patient packet. The form should be a one-page, easily understood request for a minimum of two business-days notice, should a patient need to change or cancel a dental appointment. I also suggest including a statement such as the […]

What’$ More Important Than Financial Freedom?

If you read articles on finances and retirement planning, you understand the term, “financial freedom.” Simply stated, financial freedom is achieved when you acquire enough wealth to provide for personal and family needs for the remainder of your life. This is a dollar amount that is defined by a series of projections and calculations. There […]

Please Write This Down!

Last week I attended the 102nd Hinman Dental Society Meeting in Atlanta. During the three-day meeting, I attended three excellent CE courses with an average attendance of greater than 300 dentists. The three meetings allowed me the opportunity to catch up on the latest information on Endodontics, local anesthesia, and current strategies for achieving growth in […]

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Minimize Cancellations and No-Shows With This Form!

What’$ More Important Than Financial Freedom?

Please Write This Down!


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